FACE/JDS Social Work


Norma V. Garcia, LBSW



Dear JD Salinas MS Family,

My name is Norma V. Garcia, Social Worker at JD Salinas Middle School. We are looking forward to receiving both you and your child as we partner together to establish a safe, engaging, and rewarding school year. We welcome and value your dedication and commitment to ensuring that our children reach maximum levels of success. We look forward to building and expanding our collaboration to surpass our expectations.

We believe that Family and Community Engagement is crucial for a child's success in school. We encourage you to actively participate in your child's education and stay connected with us. We will continue to offer countless opportunities for parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and school events to foster a strong partnership between home and school. We are striving to be a caring community with the common goal of nurturing responsible, caring students and promoting high-level learning.

As campus social worker, I am committed to serving as a link between school and home, and to support and guide our students in becoming college, career and life ready. Please take time to explore this page where you will find resources regarding your rights as a parent/guardian under “Every Student Succeeds Act-Section 1116”, mental health, prevention/intervention on suicide, health/wellness, tobacco/vaping, emergency resources in the Rio Grande Valley and homeless education resources.

Social Work Links

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/ Fundación Americana para la Prevención del Suicidio  https://afsp.org/

Child Mind Institute https://childmind.org/

Truth Initiative https://truthinitiative.org/

American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/en/

KAISER PERMANENTE https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/front-door

Alliance for a Healthier Generation  https://www.healthiergeneration.org/

Mujeres Unidas-Women Together Foundation Inc. www.mujeresunidas.org

United Way of South Texas https://unitedwayofsotx.org/

Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) 1-800-446-3142 www.utdanacenter.org

Texas Homeless Network 512-482-8270 www.thn.org

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth www.naehcy.org

National Coalition for the Homeless www.nationalhomeless.org

U.S. Department of Education 1-202-260-4412 www.ed.gov